Who else is bothered by the term "New Normal"? It is one of those terms being used throughout the business world to describe the way things are today, and the fact that businesses will need to adapt, adjust, accept, and plain just do the best with the way business is changing today. I personally embrace it and in fact is one of the main reasons I started vMarque. This is a massive opportunity for those companies stuck in the static, analog world to embrace the world of digital, mobile, and virtual.
With this new found acceptance, also comes a re-evaluation of the way we do business, share information, provide customer and client experiences, and serve customers or deliver products. One very small thing you can do today as a business owner, executive, employee is to invest in a modern and digital business card. These digital business cards can be saved as jpegs, pngs, and even PDF files. They can be shared and used in the following ways:
The idea is to start small, but this is a very simple way to be personable with your customers, as you may not be able to see them face-to-face for the foreseeable future. Even if you do see them F2F, you may want to also use the digital business card and send to them on LinkedIn after you connect with them or after your visit. There are a host of ways to stay connected to your clients, business partners and network and the use of a modern, fresh business card is a must as we embrace digital. Let us create a one-sided or two-sided business card for you today! Contact us today. Written by Stephanie Atkinson
![]() BLOG Be ReMARQUEable Virtually.™
August 2024